
EPA Reverses Itself on Fluoride

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus2/28/2011 7:00:31 pm PST

Leave it to Fox to put their conspiratorial spin on this.

1. Try to discredit the EPA.
2. Try to validate parents’ suspicions of government and medical science in general.

What is missing from the Fox article? The whole story.

Fox (and Don Imus’ wife) say:

In a surprising reversal, last month EPA’s announced that it intends to lower the maximum amount of fluoride in drinking water because of growing evidence supporting the chemical’s possible deleterious effects to children’s health.

Here’s what the EPA really says:

HHS’ proposed recommendation of 0.7 milligrams of fluoride per liter of water replaces the current recommended range of 0.7 to 1.2 milligrams. This updated recommendation is based on recent EPA and HHS scientific assessments to balance the benefits of preventing tooth decay while limiting any unwanted health effects. These scientific assessments will also guide EPA in making a determination of whether to lower the maximum amount of fluoride allowed in drinking water, which is set to prevent adverse health effects.

The EPA only goes on the recommendations of the health community, so the EPA doesn’t “reverse” itself ala Fox exaggerations.

And note this: The new recommendations are some of the same as the old! The old range was there because of the different amount of water that is normally consumed per day between those living in warm areas vs. those living in cold areas. The new limit is now set uniformly to that for people living in warm areas.

Put simply, the Fox article reads like it was written by someone from the JBS.