
Apple is not 'recording your moves'

KernelPanic4/21/2011 2:57:16 pm PDT

Semantic word games.

The unencrypted file stored on my iphone (and on the macbook pro I sync it to) contained extremely high resolution data showing effectively everywhere I’ve been for the last 8 months or so. The data is accurate enough (in my case at least) to put me at specific street locations and business addresses.

This is a huge deal that has yet to be adequately explained. None of the engineering, quality assurance or “recover stolen phone” explanations cover why the accumulated data is kept over time.

Anyone with an iphone who does not think this is a big deal should download the free app and examine their own data. What it pulled from my phone was pretty significant.

That said I’m not all up in arms about it. I just want a coherent explanation - there does not seem to be a valid reason other than “our developers screwed up and forgot to clean up some devtools & files”.