
Alec Baldwin's Man Excuse: Anthony Weiner Is a Modern Human Being

Buck6/09/2011 1:01:22 pm PDT

Seriously. There is an organized effort to take away the outrage on this by concentrating on the sending of pictures, which sounds so innocent.

I agree that the twit pic, or yfrog pic is meaningless, however I hope the apology he gave was about the lying. Not only lying but standing by while he heard and saw people blame others for what he knew he did.

That is worse than lying.

And I think he has continued to lie. When he says that he never used congressional resources for this little hobby of his… I think he is lying about that. He fell right back into that “I can’t recall every event, but I don’t think that I …”

He knows what he did, and he can recall. That is exactly the same as the “I can’t say with certainhood” lie.

Is using congressional resources for this sort of thing (phone sex?) against the Law? I don’t really know. Nancy Pelosi seems to think so. I hear a lot of talking heads say they think so.

The biggest offense was when Weiner repeatedly looked the Press in the eye and said “I was hacked, I didn’t send it.”

The second biggest offense, in my mind, was standing there and NOT speaking up when the people around him started to throw terrible accusations at others. Hacking into his account would be a federal crime. Allowing others to make that accusation of specific people was very serious.

Right Wing conspiracy? Nope…

He only came forward when he was trapped. IMO he showed no real courage. That would have been demonstrated by getting ahead of the story and telling the truth BEFORE it was exposed by AB.