
'Rape Factories' --US Prison System --most rapes committed by GUARDS

EiMitch6/24/2011 11:56:43 am PDT

So, lemme get this straight: Zealous cops and prosecutors have been stuffing our prisons full of minor drug offenders. Meanwhile the guards knowingly permitted, or worse yet perpetrated in, prison rape.

I mentioned in another topic that keeping drugs illegal effectively funds the drug cartels terrorizing Mexico, Columbia, and many other nations.

And its not even making a dent in drug abuse here at home. Yet, knowing all of this, we kept doing it.

…for decades. And we’re still doing it.

This, all of this, is the real face of our “compassion” and “morality.” What the hell is the matter with us?!

Sorry to derail this topic abit. But it makes me angry enough to spit blood. My own blood, of course. But still…