
Judge: Gov. Rick Scott's Order to Drug Test State Workers Ruled Unconstitutional

KingKenrod4/26/2012 4:56:42 pm PDT
A Miami federal judge Thursday slammed Gov. Rick Scott’s order requiring random drug testing for tens of thousands of state government employees as “unconstitutional” because his policy failed to specify any “public interests” to justify the invasion of privacy.

Well, the effort was doomed from the start because the Supreme Court has already ruled on this sort of thing for public employees, which is why Gov. Scott got run out of court. Personally I think the SC is wrong - I think govt can effectively separate their “employer” function from their “law enforcement” function. The idea that public employees have this special shield from drug testing that private employees don’t have is ludicrous. The “public interest” is obvious, and it’s the same interest that any private employer has.