
Breitbart Editor John Nolte Calls for Right Wing 'Twitter War'

Eclectic Cyborg5/16/2012 12:15:00 pm PDT


Catholic College decides to drop student health care coverage rather than comply with Affordable Care Act.

The Franciscan University of Steubenville, a small Catholic college in Ohio, announced Tuesday that it will drop coverage for students entirely rather than “violate the consistent teachings of the Catholic Church on the sacredness of human life,” Reuters reported. The change will affect 200 out of the school’s 2,500 students, although with its overwhelmingly Catholic student body—the university has been called “The Most Catholic University in the World”—the Franciscan University would likely fall into the category of exempt employers. Some other Catholic and evangelical schools are suing over the mandate and have threatened to drop health coverage. (It’s possible that the Supreme Court will announce next month that it has struck down the health care law altogether, which would make such suits unnecessary.)

If we have to play nice than we won’t play at all!