
Today in Camera: Analysis Misses Forest, May not Even See the Trees

purplestaterman6/25/2012 9:35:37 pm PDT

Bob Levine strikes again. Another CAMERA criticism. There doesn’t seem to be a CAMERA story that can’t be critiqued. How many in a row is that for you? A new hobby maybe? Just because LGF leans to the left doesn’t give you free reign to spew your bs unchallenged. As we all know, Jerusalem IS the capital of Israel but for some reason that is not acceptable to many news agencies (among many other individuals). Does AFP - or any other news agency - list New York as the capital of the USA? NYC has better, food, people, sports, etc. And NYC has a good reputation too. No, news agencies do not call NYC the capital of the USA because it isn’t. Similarly, Tel Aviv, regardless of its reputation, is NOT the capital of Israel. It never has been and never will be. To deny that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel is a nefarious anti-Israel technique used by many that would wish to see Israel disappear. Remove the heart of the people and watch the country whither. It is being tried but it will not go uncontested.