
Fox News on Biden comments: 'Slavery is nothing to joke about'

wrenchwench8/16/2012 11:15:43 am PDT
WILDER: Well, first of all, it’s divisive and certainly uncalled for.

I don’t think the Obama administration needs that at this time. And as you know, I’ve not been the most strong supporter of Joe Biden. And yet, we all know he’s gaffe-prone. But when you make a statement that says they are going to put ya’ll back in chains, which means I’m OK, not going to happen to me, and they…

CAVUTO: Well, that’s interesting, yes, yes.

WILDER: We will work through it, but you all will be in chains.

It’s divisive to acknowledge that it was largely black people who were enslaved in the history of the United States.

Oh, wait. It was slavery that was divisive. Never mind.