
Another Commie Plot?

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus9/16/2012 5:46:52 pm PDT

Here’s your commie plot!

Modifying Human Embryos to Thwart Disease Weighed in U.K.

Should parents concerned about passing on genetic diseases to their children be allowed to swap DNA with a donor’s?

A U.K. regulatory agency is posing the question to the public starting today as the government explores whether to allow genetic modification of human embryos to prevent some diseases. The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, or HFEA, will report findings to the Department of Health in March, the agency said in a statement today.

The procedure, which isn’t available in the U.S., involves transferring healthy nuclear DNA from one fertilized human egg with unhealthy mitochondrial DNA to a donor embryo with disease- free mitochondria. The approach may prevent genetic disorders such as learning disabilities, heart disease and diabetes. Serious forms of mitochondrial disease affect one in every 6,500 children.


With the religious anti-abortionists believing there is something magical in “DNA”, and with their belief in the mysterious powers of “baby juice”, will genetic engineering of humans ever come to these shores?