
Israelis Aren't Far-Right, They've Just Abandoned a Delusion

Aye Pod1/16/2013 3:13:44 pm PST

So says Dan Schueftan - whom I’ve seen referred to as “the Israeli John Bolton”. Here he is being quizzed about some comments he made in a lecture to university students:

Is it not you who exhibits contempt for your students when you say to them that “the Arabs are the biggest failure in the history of the human race, but they have one talent: violence?”

“That is a function of their record. There are peoples with a more impressive record and there are people with a less impressive record. Do you want that in order that the students feel better I tell them about great accomplishments in various domains that have no basis in truth? It is not as if I am influencing the students to see the Arabs as a failure. The claim that that is the message reflects a profound disrespect for the understanding of adult students who are already developed, and it assumes that the student will disregard a systematic, balanced and documented discussion over the course of many hours, and bases his understanding on a casual parenthetical comment.

Likes to joke:

Was the description of the Iraq-Iran as seven years of pleasure also a joke of that kind?

“Two enemies of Israel warred against each other. The alternative was that they would make war on Israel. Imagine that in the Second World War Japan and Germany were fighting each other. If there is a war, and because of its being waged, people do not come to slaughter us, I should mourn about that?”

What did you mean when you said that “they shoot at weddings all over the Arab world in order to prove that they have at least one thing that is hard and functional and can shoot”?

“In this country there are weapons that are used for shooting at weddings. So you don’t like the joke and you write an article about a joke.”

Well if this guy is denying that Israel has become more right wing (under the influence of himself among others) then it must be true. //