
Kill the Deer, Feed the Homeless

EiMitch3/23/2013 5:34:24 pm PDT

If the deer have overpopulated the area, then not thinning their numbers is a safety hazard. Deer related auto accidents can and often do kill people.

So on what ground do people oppose this? From the article:

But several animal-rights activists have filed suit, alleging the controlled hunt runs counter to federal law governing the establishment of the park.

A legal technicality. Point taken. What else?

“We are pleased the National Park Service will not be killing deer in Rock Creek Park in a few weeks as originally planned, and hope that the agency will rethink its decision to kill any of this native wildlife and instead use less drastic measures to control any perceived overpopulation problem,” said Katerine Meyer, an attorney for the plaintiffs, including In Defense of Animals.

“Perceived” problem? As in, they don’t think its really a problem? Seriously?

What about the “less drastic measures”? Maybe that angle will be more persuasive.

Over the years, animal-rights activists have suggested a range of solutions for thinning the herd, ranging from trapping and relocating to reintroducing more predators into the park.

Trapping deer? Ha! Good luck with that.

And what the hell is this crap about reintroducing predators? I thought we were talking about less drastic measures? Predators capable of taking down deer are potentially dangerous to people. Bringing enough of them in to thin the deer population means overpopulating the area with the predators instead. Gee, that sounds much better. /sarc

BTW, doesn’t bringing in other animals specifically to kill the deer defeat the purpose of not killing the deer? Or is it okay to use wild animals to kill other wild animals, so long as we don’t spill blood with our own hands? They’re mouth-breathing hypocrites.

And this has been discussed for years? This is the best they can come up with?

Such self-righteous, double-talking clown-shoes make much it easier for the right to dismiss any legitimate concerns about animal welfare and cruelty.

Animal-rights activists said they believe the order in effect delays any baiting and hunting of deer for at least a year because of the spring birthing season as well as the busy summer season.

Am I reading too much into this, or are they just opposing this now for the sake of opposing it? Pompous f***ing morons!