
Video: Rachel Maddow on the Increasingly Bizarre GOP Agenda

piratedan6/18/2013 10:48:56 pm PDT

Mythical campaign I’d love to see….

How many times have the R’s stated that their number one priority is jobs, jobs, jobs…

How many jobs bills did Republicans sponsor Johnny!!!!…. zero

How many abortion bills did they sponsor Johnny!!!!!! ten
How many repeals of the ACA Johnny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! six
How many debt ceiling showdowns did we have Johnny!!!!!!! ummm three?
How many kids and educations programs did they reduce funding to? seven?
How many bills have we seen to restore tax breaks for the wealthy? five?

something along these lines, short simple and sweet… then let them stand up in front of their constituents and speak. At the end of the ad, list each of the bills you cited and their votes.

You’re never gonna win any R votes, but you may wake up a few I’s to stop them from buying brand x