
Milo Yiannopoulos' Posts Are Actually Written by "About 44" Gamergate Clowns

ObserverArt3/31/2016 8:13:32 pm PDT

Been having trouble keeping LGF going tonight. Getting a lot of crashes in Chrome.

I just posted this in the last thread because Chrome came back to it. I thought it was a strange comment and wanted to share it because it fits into much of the election talk here.

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Lawrence has Tad Devine, Bernie Sanders’ campaign manager on. Lawrence asked him how Bernie would work with someone like Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House.

His answer: If Bernie is elected Paul Ryan won’t be in that position with that electorate (not a direct quote).

I guess he means that if the Sanders voters pull off their revolution they will also be dumping enough Republican representatives to turn the house Democrat.

Or Independent?

Or, the real revolution will be in two years when Bernie being president will cause the big change.

So, we do not have to worry about Bernie influencing the down ticket races…right?

Help me out here…do not understand.