
A Fantastic New Jam From Bokanté: "Zyé Ouvè, Zyé Fèmé"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷7/12/2018 9:24:03 pm PDT

Disaster strikes home.

My wife and I are in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan tonight.

I left the cord for my computer in the hotel in Regina, but that is not the worst.

Fortunately, I was able to find a computer shop open late here, and better, they had a replacement cord.

When I opened my E-mail, there were several messages from the chairwoman of my village board.

There was a severe storm last night, and that storm ripped out the wiring for my house. While that is insured, I am a thousand miles away in another country.

My neighbour has the key to my house; I asked her and tagged him in the response to go to my house and empty the refrigerator to try to save it.

Crap. I can’t even call my insurance company from here. Maybe I should just stay in Canada.