
Seth Meyers From His Garage: Trump Fights With Governors, Reporters Over Coronavirus Response [VIDEO]

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus3/26/2020 8:47:02 pm PDT

Yet another person radicalized by fundamentalists and the hate-mongering

Man Charged With Making Death Threats to Nancy Pelosi in Coronavirus Rant

Gavin Weslee Blake Perry, 27, of Wichita Falls, Texas, wrote on Facebook that Democrats were terrorists and should be shot on sight, prosecutors said.


The threats against Ms. Pelosi were posted beneath an article from an anti-abortion website that Mr. Perry shared on Facebook.

“Nancy pelosi is apart of a santanic cult and so are rhe people who work closly with her,” Mr. Perry wrote, according to prosecutors. “Dems of the establishment will be removed at any cost necessary and yes that means by death.”
