
Some Fine Finger-Picking From Gareth Pearson: "Mr. Spontaneous"

goddamnedfrank5/13/2020 4:32:08 pm PDT

re: #2 KGxvi

Fine, I’ll bring my response over here as well…

Adding: one theory I heard was that Barr was trying to “protect” Trump from having to pardon Flynn. Which is basically stupid in it’s own right. Yes, it would be an abuse of the pardon power, but the only real check on that is impeachment, and we’ve already seen that the Senate GOP doesn’t give a fuck. Trump could have waited until November 5, after the election, when he would be free of “political” considerations and just pardoned Flynn. Instead, they go with the stupid play and piss off a federal judge who is (thankfully) inoculated from their stupidity/

They wanted Flynn on the campaign trail quickly to fire up the Q-loons and horny old Karens. They thought they could force Sullivan to either go along and bitch a lot in a ruling, or to sentence Flynn anyway which would help sell a pardon.

It never actually occurred to them that Sullivan controls the clock.