
Overnight Open Thread

zombie7/31/2009 11:24:13 pm PDT

OK, in case there are any of you left who doubt that England is completely and utterly ruined as a nation, this should dispel those doubts permanently:

Health and safety row over man who died in 18in of water as 999 teams were told it was too risky to rescue him

Police, firemen and paramedics refused to go to the aid of an accident victim who was drowning in just 18 inches of water… because they believed it was too dangerous.

A senior fire officer banned his men from using ropes and ladders to climb down a 15ft bank to the victim after carrying out a ‘risk assessment’.

Acting on advice, ten police officers who attended the emergency also failed to rescue father-of-three Karl Malton, 32, as he lay face down in the shallow water.

His body lay there for three hours after a decision was made to send for a ‘water rescue team’ based more than 50 miles away.

When relatives arrived at the scene, they found emergency workers standing around drinking tea.

An inquest into Mr Malton’s death yesterday heard that officers no longer have to swim or receive life-saving training.