
Saturday Afternoon Music: Antoine Dufour and Tommy Gauthier, 'Mellow Deep Art'

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus10/17/2009 1:56:33 pm PDT

re: #4 Sharmuta

No- it was so men could woo women. ;)

Well… according to the “Ardi” scientists, that is why we walk upright!

Speaking of which, over at they have a new diavlog up which mostly covers Ardi. The interlocutor is Razib Khan, who is ok I guess but is not Carl Zimmer (who flounced from Bloggingheads over the creationism flare-up). However, his guest is anthropologist Dr. John Hawks who is excellent and worth the listen:

Recommend playback at 1.4x speed since both are slow speakers.