
Overnight Bird

Floral Giraffe11/17/2009 11:29:08 pm PST

re: #8 freetoken


Please, I retired from a senior-ish management job in retail 3 years ago.
You know what?
I don’t give a Flying F how the retailers do anymore.
It was VERY important to me, for most of my working career.
Now, ask me if I miss the freighting strategies of best sellers & how to get more into “my” stores in the next 45 days.
Am I even going into a store in the next 45 days?
Well, a grocery store.
The rest?
Well, let me give you shopppers a HINT in this economy.
What ever you want is gonna be40% off after Thanksgiving, unless it;s selling really well. And ALL OF IT is gonna be 50% off after Christmas. ‘Cause this year is gonna be bad. So save your energy & pennies. Shop in January. Yes, there will still be a size selection that is good.

Yes, you gotta love a seasonal business!
(Crab mode, is now off!)