
Video: Has the Earth Been Cooling for 10 Years?

jamesfirecat2/13/2010 3:42:50 pm PST

re: #7 Decatur Deb

In an effort to compromise, I’ll posit that the deity is up there, but the deity is Kali.

If I might quote Yatzhee…

“The root problem with Christianity is that their good is suppose to be all powerful and benevolent, it sounds like a easy sell but when life turns completely to s*** you have to come up with all kinds of whacked out reasons for why kindly old Jahova saw fit to run over little Timmy with a combine harvester and leave him in a state of vegetative limbless agony for 18 years. Ancient cultures didn’t have that problem, they knew their gods were a bunch of drunken lunatics who ran around boning their close relatives and turning the gooleys into fruit bear trees.”