
Overnight Open Thread

Cato the Elder3/04/2010 11:39:08 pm PST

re: #4 Cato the Elder

Sorry, I meant to dedicate that video.

To Irish Rose, who tonight kissed off Charles, LGF, and all the Lizards with a video of her own: “Friends In Low Places.”

That’s you and me and all of us. Lowlifes, every one.

From a certain commenter named “Climategate” on her blog:

Congratulations on your decision to distance yourself from LGF and Charles Johnson. This would not have been easy for you as you were a loyal supporter of his and a valued member during the blog’s better days.

I think your comments about the bullying few who have taken over that formerly great site are accurate and insightful. Clearly Mr. Johnson approves of this nasty behavior as he permits it, which is my impression from several threads I have watched. Tho’ it has been many months since I have followed LGF on a regular basis.

LGF has slowly but surely become a farcical shadow of its former self. One by one Charles Johnson has insulted, slandered and driven away his most ardent supporters.

Kindest regards and keep up the good fight!

And Rose replies:


So once again, Bob Dylan’s “It Ain’t Me, Babe”, dedicated to whiners everywhere.

Youtube Video

Oh, the martyr cookies they’ll hunger for!