
My 2011 Pledge to John Hawkins

Talking Point Detective1/12/2011 9:55:05 pm PST
Arizona massacre gunman Jared Loughner’s downward spiral may have been touched off by a broken high school romance and fueled by drug use — but it was not politically motivated, according to his best friend in high school.

Zach Osler, in an interview Wednesday with ABC’s “Good Morning America,” said: “He did not watch TV.


Osler said he instead suspects that Loughner was motivated by a documentary called, “Zeitgeist: The Movie,” which slams currency-based economics.

“I really think that this ‘Zeitgeist’ documentary had a profound impact upon Jared Loughner’s mindset and how he viewed the world that he lives in,” he said.

Does anyone know anything specific about this moive? All I’ve found is that Alex Jones was a big fan of the first movie of this series - not so much a fan of the following movie.