
Overnight Open Thread

Kragar2/08/2011 10:47:26 pm PST

re: #7 ggt

I have to help my kid make a 3x4 model of the Circus Maxiumus from clay. Really? I can’t use foam-core. I guess I gotta mess with wire and foil and shit.

Some teachers are really living in another century.

I made a volcano out of polymer clay once for him. It did turn out very cool, especially when the mentos mixture came bubbling over the top. I didn’t bother with greenery or natives at the bottom, just made it all look like lava.

3 x 4 (table-top size)? how impracticable.

thin gauge dowel rods, some putty and thick card stock paper to build a framework. Details can be built up from pencil line drawings and bas relief using additional card stock.