
BBC 'This World': Geert Wilders, Europe's Most Dangerous Man

researchok2/16/2011 5:33:02 pm PST

OK, I just watched the whole hour.

Allow me to make no one happy.

Geert Wilders is a manipulative weasel. He is also a despicable human being. He has made a name for himself by using and manipulating the system to his political advantage. He decries racism while at the same subtly encouraging it.

How does he get away with that? Very simply stated, because there is a Muslim problem in Europe. Cameron, Azvanar, Merkel, Sarkozy, etc., aren’t blind and neither are most Europeans. Of course that doesn’t make Wilders any more acceptable. He just camouflages his self serving agenda by inserting himself into a discussion that needs to be had.

British Islamic leader Abu Mounisa recently said, “We need to behead Democracy from its roots”. Remember Omar Bakri Mohammed of ‘We’ll use your democracy to destroy you’ fame? When police authorities across Europe concede Jewish institutions need protection (including nursery schools) the problem is bigger than a few maladjusted and bigoted kids. When Jews in France, Denmark, Sweden and Holland are advised by religious authorities to hide their religious affiliation as best they can (or as one politician said, ‘Leave. We can’t protect you), there is a problem that can be avoided for only so long.

Now, before Jimmah and Ice go off the deep end, let me agree with the sentiments they rightly share- the vast and overwhelming majority of Muslims in Europe want nothing to do with the dysfunctional morons in their community. Why should they? Like everyone else, they want to make a living, educate their kids, buy their wives and husbands birthday gifts and hope and pray their grandchildren give their parents every bit of grief they had to endure.

The problem is political. The issues in Europe are magnified because most Muslims institutions today are run by first generation less than savory characters. They have long since run out the older and more established moderate community leaders.

There is a another problem- technology. It used to be when you left the old country, you left the old country. Nowadays, email and online resources mean you don’t have to really ‘leave’. Immigrants who come to the west for a better life for themselves and their kids are fighting a losing battle. The radical Imam in Yemen is a youtube away, 24/7. Most Muslims are just as much a victim of the radical elements as anyone else. Do anyone really believe Muslim parents want their kids engaged in dysfunctional and criminal behavior?

No one wants to acknowledge the problem because if they do, they are acknowledging they have some hard choices to make and they have to act. And for now, no one has any easy answers

Is Geert Wilders the most dangerous man in Europe? No, he is just a manipulative SOB who has found a niche that will ensure a long political career- and that career. As for the Beeb, Wilders makes for good TV, in the same way an anti Israel/anti Jewish innuenedo makes for good ratings. Anyone who believes TV journalism nowadays reflects a clear moral endeavor is an idiot.

Most Muslims do not hate the west, Geert Wilders is not the devil and most Europeans are not antisemites or even anti Israel for that matter. That behavior is avoidance and that is the real problem.

And that real problem is a problem unto itself, because it has become political first and foremost. Ideology trumps the search for solutions.

Feel free to commence referring to me as Hitler.