
Pamela Geller's Anti-Muslim Circus in Full Nuclear Meltdown

wrenchwench7/01/2011 12:07:41 pm PDT
No one in America has taken as much heat as I have for supporting the EDL. No one. My defense of the EDL is constantly used to defame me, and I have never faltered in my support of the group.

These words don’t have the effect on me that she was striving for.

From their first demo, when they were denounced and smeared as the scum of the earth, I knew the EDL was noble and true. I still believe that. I still believe that the majority of the membership are good and decent and fine people. The issue for some time has been certain elements in the administration. There will always be infiltrators and plants who get into the membership. But it is important to keep the admins appearance clean.

Made it a little more honest.