
Pamela Geller Associate John Jay Calls for Mass Murder, Then Feels Abandoned

lawhawk10/04/2011 6:13:34 pm PDT

The fringe has many a point on it - it’s a Mandelbrot set of points - and this portion of the fringe ends with John Jay. Another ends with Geller and Spencer. They’re extremists - just in different shades. Some others cover up their extremism better than others. Geller and Spencer have gotten where they have because they couched their hate and venom better than others.

But here? Geller and Spencer will go on as though nothing happened. They’ll stand by their disavowals and denials and continue along their merry way. And this guy, John Jay, claims he wont write again - but who’s to say he wont find himself another alias and write anew.

Occasionally they get a glimpse of what lurks just beyond - and it might cause a pregnant pause. But as we saw with the Breivik massacre, they just go on as though it doesn’t relate or reflect badly on them at all.