
Is Occupy Wall Street Anti-Semitic?

CuriousLurker11/09/2011 8:47:13 am PST

From the back cover of David Horowitz’s Reforming Our Universities: The Campaign For An Academic Bill Of Rights

David Horowitz is a national treasure. In his courage, passion, and perseverance he has done more than anyone to expose the rottenness—moral and political as well as intellectual—that has infected the heart of American higher education. In this explosive new book, he adds treatment to diagnosis, providing concrete, workable strategies to achieve what many of us had given up as hopeless: reclaiming the university. This book is essential reading for anyone concerned about the future of American culture.”
Roger Kimball, author of Tenured Radicals: How Politics Has Corrupted Our Higher Education

Ann Barnhardt burning a copy of the Qur’an

Ann Barnhardt using slices of bacon as bookmarks for a Qur’an

These are Encounter Books’ “heroes”.