
Making the case that the 'Stand Your Ground Law' does not shield George Zimmerman from prosecution under Florida law.

Rightwingconspirator3/24/2012 2:55:10 pm PDT

re: #9 Obdicut

And again, this is a clear misreading of the law, especially considering the case history. Is the contention that the pursuit itself was illegal, or it put Zimmerman in a place he was not allowed to be?

If not, the pursuit itself is irrelevant.

The law is written to define the right to defend ones-self as it exists at the moment of the ‘attack’. It is not written to consider elements outside of that— it would be reasonable if it were, but it wasn’t.

The read I have has some legal support. If your point is that your read is the approach of Florida police, you are likely right. But it’s still a bad read. Bad enough to fly in the stated intent on the creators of the law. Bad enough to wrongly protect Zimmerman. What motivated the police to skip so much due diligence? Racism not the text of this law. Zimmerman should have been detained to gather physical evidence. Medically tested for drugs. Nothing in this law told the police to skip giving this incident a far harder look.

Thought experiment-Would we get that read in a place like Los Angeles from LAPD and the DA if we had the same law on the books? Can you support the idea it would with anything concrete?

I think Zimmerman would have been detained, and a lot more evidence gathered at the least. None of this “look the other way” racial crap.