
Romney: 'Some Gays Are Actually Having Children. It's Not Right on Paper. It's Not Right in Fact.'

EiMitch10/26/2012 4:03:41 pm PDT
As a Department of Health attorney warned Romney, the children would be disadvantaged and would have trouble applying to school or getting drivers licenses as adults, particularly in a post-9/11 world where they might be considered security risks, having birth certificates that appeared altered. It was a “violation of existing statutes,” the attorney warned Romney. But Romney waved off the warnings, not caring about the the legal, psychological or personal ramifications.

Punishing the children for the perceived sins of the parents? Now that is family values! /sarc

Seriously, how many times have these right-wing nuts cried “think of the children” when opposing gay marriage? And then they turn around and do s*** like this?! Or push gay kids into gay-to-straight “therapy,” even though studies show those programs can only harm the kids?

Seriously, these “moralists” don’t care about anything but getting their way.

Note to republican extremists: Niccolo Machiavelli called. He wants his philosophy back.