
Glenn Greenwald's Rant Against Michael Kinsley: Just the Good Parts

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines5/23/2014 12:23:37 pm PDT

CNN, May 23 2017

“The House opened debate today on President Cruz’s proposal to define water boarding as simply another method of fact checking. The bill, the Journalistic Transparency and Accountability Act of 2017, was introduced by freshman Congressman David Barton of Texas. Barton stated that it was designed only to encourage journalists to be more open in sharing their sources and in discussing those sources with law enforcement when needed.
Congressman Dennis Kucinich initially spoke against the bill but stopped when Tea Party members would not desist from pelting him with tin-foil hats and bottles of Evian water. He then failed to return from a rest room break and has not been seen since.
CNN is of course fair, balanced, and neutral in its reporting on this issue. We will continue our policy of strict accountability and transparency in regard to our own sources. Really strict. Honest. We will. Gulp.”