
Eyewitness Says Officer Darren Wilson Chased After Michael Brown While Shooting Him

Lidane8/18/2014 12:17:48 pm PDT

My surprise, etc. —

Poll: Blacks Twice As Likely To Say Ferguson Raises Issues About Race

Eighty percent of blacks said that the shooting raises issues about race, while only 37 percent of whites believe so.

And 47 percent of whites think that the situation in Ferguson is getting too much attention, while only 18 percent of African-Americans believe that to be the case, according to Pew.

Responses to the police reaction were divided along racial lines as well. Sixty-five percent of blacks said that the police have gone to far in their response to protests following the shooting, and 33 percent of whites said police went too far.

Reactions were also divided along party lines, according to Pew. Sixty-eight percent of Democrats believe the shooting raises concerns about race, while only 22 percent of Republicans said so.