
A Wild, Surreal Animated Short From Japan: 'Small Garden'

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam1/17/2015 7:52:10 pm PST

re: #99 CuriousLurker

But of course. Airport Security: Let’s Profile Muslims

I don’t think she cares as long as she’s making $$$ selling books.

Jeez. (If I can use that word in this context - hah) She’s got her civil liberties cap on backwards, then. Either that, or she’s trolling for attention.

Having never heard of her before, I googled. She’s written for the WSJ, American Prospect (a liberal rag), The Daily Beast, NYT, Sojourner (!!), plus penned two books about Islam and women’s rights therein.

Without delving too deeply into her oeuvre, I’m going to suggest she’s looking at the world through rose-tinted glasses. Trusting the police and the government to err on the side of the individual’s rights of expression and free assembly is asking a lot.