
An Amazingly Beautiful Short Film: "Venezia"

Timothy Watson9/07/2016 2:23:59 am PDT

Is there a replacement for donotlink?

Wingnuts don’t want a lame-duck session of Congress, because of course they don’t:

Over 100 conservative leaders call for “true accountability” and for Congress not to hold a lame-duck session after the November elections.

“Congress must not provide President Obama with an additional opportunity to enact his agenda of progressive social engineering programs and job-killing economic policies before he leaves office. A lame-duck session would be his swan song: He can be expected to leave no arm untwisted, no threat unmade, no quid un-quod, to get his dream-policies enacted, his liberal judges confirmed, and his international agreements approved,” states a memo from the Conservative Action Project, founded in 2008 by many conservative leaders.

A lame-duck session of Congress happens when Congress reconvenes after November elections to consider items of business. This occurs after the election of successors, but before the new term starts. This particular lame-duck session will also occur before a new president takes office.

(If you want the link, just Google the first paragraph and the source is the first result.)