
The Trump Virus Spreads to the Official White House Twitter Account

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)7/02/2018 8:00:02 pm PDT

I was thinking about what sparked my political awakening so to speak as I worked out earlier. Two events come to mind. When I was in 8th grade, I read Inherit the Wind and saw a production of it at Fords Theater in D.C. I thought and obviously still do think it was a travesty that someone would be put on trial for teaching Darwin. The second? Well it was two years later in 10th grade. My history teacher was a former Washington Redskins football player but he was a great history teacher because he really taught the modern parts of history and he showed us the movie Cry Freedom with Denzel Washington and Kevin Kline. I thought about Apartheid especially as the credits rolled showing the names of men and women killed in custody by the regime and the last name was in early 1987. I was born in July 1987 and I knew that the Reagan administration supported the regime as a bulwark against Communism. And this was while we were hearing that Reagan was up there as one of the greatest Presidents ever and even the greatest American ever. it just showed me the double standards that Reagan showed. Talk about freedom and liberty when it came to the people of the Eastern Bloc but okay with tyranny for black Africans. Oh and of course the 2000 election and its aftermath inspired me too but those two I would say informed my sense of justice the most.