
Simple and Gorgeous: Allison Young, "Til There Was You"

Decatur Deb11/21/2020 11:36:48 am PST

re: #96 PrairieQueen

I remember a couple years ago (?) they kept putting happy animal rescue stories on FB, and I was wondering who the fuck are these people that are plastering their happy shit all over? I follow several animal rescue groups and I had never seen or heard of them before. Didn’t sit right with me - too targeted. Most recsue groups work hard to build trust and are always scrambling for funds. Not these assholes.

Then I did some checking and saw they were a cult group of foreign alt-right weirdos, that had nothing to do with animal rescues or rights, it was just clickbait. For no particular reason I’ve received a couple of their newspapers in my mailbox, which I have used to start fires.

They’re completely fucking crazy, like Fox News TV but in print.

We require people to register if they are acting as the agent of a foreign government. In this case we are dealing with a foreign anti-government millenarian cult. That’s perhaps more dangerous.