
Marcus King: "F*ck My Life Up Again" (Solo Acoustic Version)

Belafon2/21/2024 9:42:24 pm PST

re: #98 Targetpractice

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Console’s been out for four years, has just 13 games exclusive to it, and Sony’s already talking as though the system is on its way out. You think maybe we finally reached that point they tried to sell us in the 90s about computers becoming “entertainment systems” that are used more for streaming old episodes of Scrubs than playing games?

The gap in actual play between the consoles gets smaller with each generation, which, as good as they’ve gotten, makes it harder to justify getting the next version. VR/AR is really the next frontier just because getting true 3D is a big enough jump for people to think it’s really and advancement.

When I talk about PCs, I consider the 16 to 32 bit jump to have been a major leap. 32 to 64 really wasn’t as big of a jump, and neither was single core to multicore. It wasn’t until we saw solid state drives come out that a true leap in computer’s ability. It might seem strange, but it was such a big difference in how the computer operated.