
World Party Performs "Is It Like Today?" (Live on Letterman)

Nojay UK3/16/2024 3:51:34 pm PDT

re: #98 Teukka

Or they decide to go without warning, playing chicken daring others to make a move, so it can be used as a narrative “they attacked us first”. Heck, in that scenario, the crew might’ve hidden mutiny behind an “accident”.

That’s how things work out in a Hollywood movie script but the Big Boys have been playing this game for over sixty years now (we will pretend that Fatball in North Korea does not exist for the purposes of this discussion). After that crazy fucker JFK panicked and nearly started a nuclear war back in 1962 the relevant authorities have taken to keeping communication channels open regarding things nuclear. In the movie Doctor Strangelove the Soviet Doomsday Machine was going to be a surprise for the Party Secretary during the next big meeting, in the real world nobody likes surprises that much.