
New Music From Crowded House: "Some Greater Plan"

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus6/08/2024 4:15:20 am PDT

Most TV shows and cinema releases hold no appeal to me these days.

I guess I’m getting old.

And I’ve observed this: looking around YouTube, it seems the past year or so there has been a noticeable shift in channels which are doing “reactions”, and to what they are reacting.

The Korean and Japanese anime stuff still attracts a lot of people doing reactions.

The number of people trying to ride the fame of the top movies/franchises of the early 2000s seems to have peaked a couple of years ago, though.

I check out many channels, and have noticed their subscriber numbers either holding steady, or the views on their new uploads not being as large as videos in past years.

There are still a great many channels who put out mind-numbingly stupid short videos - if I let YouTube give me suggestions (by not logging into Google) there are still videos that get millions to tens of millions of views.

The content is particular bad, though, and I can only believe that young people in some far off land (India?) are just clicking through videos all day.

Franchise fatigue is quite evident for entertainment. And the reviewers and reactors are noticeably trying to pump releases that don’t get as many views as prior productions.

Superhero franchises are a bore.

It’s perhaps just me, but even big budget productions seem boring to me.

I’ve tried for a year to watch season 2 of _The Wheel of Time_ but I get about 7 minutes into the first episode and just find myself not caring about the characters so I stop.

I’ve not bothered to watch season 2 of _Foundation_ , though I found season 1 to be beautifully produced.

And speaking of first rate productions, _Rings of Power_ season 1 was beautifully done but again I found myself not drawn into the characters, save for the halflings and they don’t appear to be much in season 2. So I find myself just not caring about the new season coming up.

Lots of money spent on top notch productions in those shows…. but none of them compel me to watch.

There’s a lot to be said for a quirky production that doesn’t have tens of millions of dollars per episode to spend on fancy graphics.