
What If They Gave a Tea Party and Nobody Came?

redc1c47/05/2009 7:54:50 pm PDT

the lack of coverage is easy to understand: ignore it and maybe it will go away……

the local busy bodies who want to create a tax district to pay for something they (mostly outsiders) want for our neighborhood tried the same thing with me.

they tried to first marginalize me, then downplayed my efforts, and also claimed i was the only person in opposition to their plan.

last monday their short fused, barely promoted meeting was overrun by dozens of locals, 95% dead set against their plans and very vocal. they couldn’t even stay on their agenda, and spent the entire evening on the defensive.

the tea parties are likely to go the same way: our anointed leaders would dearly love all of us serfs to STFU and go back to paying taxes. just because the movement is being used by others with unsavory goals doesn’t meant that we should not protest, but rather it means that, more than ever, the average citizen needs to get out there to be heard, and to drown out the stupidities of both our alleged betters, and the moonbats of all colors.

(imho, of course. %-)