
Revisionist History: Coming Up on Fox News

Chaplain3/10/2010 7:19:27 pm PST

Both sides are trying to re-write history. Fox news is just the latest of a long line of both secular and Christian arm-chair historians.

I grew up in, horror of horrors, a Fundamentalist Christian school and was taught about how “Christian” the founding fathers were. I grew up and learned some critical thinking skills later in life and I now know these men weren’t the fundamentalist Christians my text books made them out to be but they weren’t dyed in the wool secularists either (well maybe Ben Franklin, who loved the ladies, and Thomas Jefferson, who also loved the ladies were secularists). I don’t know what any of these men believed in their heart of hearts, no one can know that except them. These great men died a long time ago and what they did or didn’t believe is between them and whatever God they did or did not believe in and should have no relevance on the battles (metaphorically speaking of course) that are being fought for this nation’s identity.

Oh, and for what it is worth, I would be weary cheering on the likes of Rev. Eric Williams. For a man that spends a lot of time decrying the role of “Christian” organizations in American politics, he is never far from a political controversy. That does not excuse the actions of the ADF or “the family”. If they violate the IRS rules (Section 501(c)(3)) then their tax-exempt status should be revoked. “Them’s the rules!”