
Why Sen. Ensign Really Quit: Other Women, At Least One More Staffer

Rightwingconspirator4/23/2011 1:58:50 pm PDT

re: #96 celticdragon
“Zerby had been sitting on a friend’s porch Sunday afternoon, waiting for the friend to come home because he was too drunk to drive. A neighbor saw him waving around a gun-like object and called the police.
Police officials said the object was actually a pistol-grip water nozzle, and when it was pointed directly at an officer, the officers opened fire, killing Zerby at the scene.”

I can see how that tragedy unfolded. Yes I was lucky. Yes I had a real gun concealed. No, I was not drunk. No I did not point a gun shaped object at the police. Damn shame neither the neighbor nor the cops saw it for what it was.