
Stephen Colbert Interviews Texas School Board Creationist Don McLeroy

Amory Blaine4/24/2012 2:05:40 pm PDT

Minn. Republican Party gets eviction notice

ST. PAUL, Minn. — Minnesota’s debt-plagued Republican Party has been served with an eviction notice for its party headquarters after failing to pay its rent payments since August.

The party’s landlord filed the notice last week in Ramsey County court and it is scheduled to be heard next Tuesday. Minnesota Republican Party Chairman Pat Shortridge told party members in a memo Thursday that officials are trying to renegotiate the lease to get one that better fits space and cost needs.

The GOP has 21 months remaining on a lease with Hub Properties Trust for space a block from the state Capitol. Shortridge revealed that the rent hadn’t been paid in eight months.

The Minnesota GOP owes hundreds of thousands of dollars to various vendors.

The eviction notice was first reported by Politics in Minnesota.