
Utah Governor Huntsman to GOP: 'You Can't Just Say No'

Dirty Patriot4/29/2009 3:40:46 pm PDT

I’m late to the party, as usual.

I agree with Huntsman (and Charles) when they say that someone needs to actually put forth some plans before they just shoot down they other side all day, as the Dems did with the last admin, but…

Trying to prop up a “moderate conservative” as one of the sane ones who was voted in because of his ideals doesn’t hold water with me. Huntsman was elected by a large margin for one reason: There weren’t any other reasonable choices.

Don’t portray him as a champion of Utah, he was simply the lesser of two evils, as is the case with most “moderates” when you are talking about who true conservatives vote for. Gay marriage and green fascism won’t fly under our flag no matter how many Huntsmans you see in office.