
Ann Coulter and the Council of Conservative Citizens, Part Deux

mcmeador2/17/2009 3:20:47 pm PST

re: #996 Salamantis

Criticizing someone’s free doctrinal choices, whether they be political or religious, cannot be reasonably considered to be in the same class with demeaning their essential nature (racism, sexism, homophobia). In the first case, you are criticizing their willfully appropriated ideas; in the second, you are disparaging them as individual members of a genetically determined group that you dislike - that is, due to something over which (unlike politics or religion) they have no control. This is why we consider Muslims’ claims of racism to be laughably illegitimate; we know that they’re trying to tap into a grievance well that they cannot credibly claim.

Ok, so the LGF definition of hate speech shall not pertain to religion. Because religion is a choice, we’re all free to say whatever hateful things we want about various religions and their followers here on this site because LGF’s policy against hate speech does not apply. I’m glad we cleared that up.