
Atlas Shrugs Promotes Neo-Nazi British National Party

gegenkritik4/20/2009 5:26:18 pm PDT

re: #8 Occasional Reader

Correct me if I’m wrong… Pamela Geller is Jewish, correct?

And yet she’s promoting people who follow an ideology of…

Okay, my brain hurts.

First: Geller is nuts.
Secondly: I think the characterization of the BNP as a Neo-Nazi-Party does not fit very well anymore. It did some years ago, when the BNP’s focus aimed at Jews, their main agenda was anti-semitism and there were close connections with Neo-Nazi-Terror-groups like C-18.
Today, BNP tries to give themself a more “civilized” image: their leaders avoid to make Nazi-statements and the whole rhetoric tends more into the racist rightwing-extremism direction, like Vlaams Belang, FP or Sverige Demokraterna.
Don’t get me wrong: those people are disgusting fascistic racists and there are certainly NS-elements in their ideology. But this salvation-anti-semitism, which is constitutive for National-Socialism, is not given.
A racist like Nick Griffin, BNP-leader, who denied the Holocaust some years ago, now released a statement regarding the Gaza-War where he did not blame Israel and I am sure we will soon hear words of “support” for Israel by BNP leaders (for fighting against the “subhuman muslims”) and that’s the connecting factor between them and Geller.
It is important to understand the difference between those racist and fascist rightwing-extremist parties like VB, FP and “real” Nazi-Parties like german NPD or spanish Alianza Nacional, who see the destruction of Jews as the only way to salvation.