
Overnight Open Thread

JohnnyReb6/01/2009 9:00:15 am PDT

re: #970 FrogMarch

So folks who are taxed to the hilt should be vilified for wanting to avoid further taxation? Punitive taxation should be honored and respected! Tax cuts are for pussies. Right? Lets embrace taxation while we watch our businesses swirl down the drain. During an economic down-turn, we should brace ourselves for the upcoming promised tax hikes (hidden behind the 95% tax lie) and ignore financial and economic reality; The reality that business is gone. Certainly, folks who know they are already taxed too much and are looking at less revenue and belt tightening should look to the government to tighten its belt. You know, as an example. Alas, the government is spending money it doesn’t have, while the private sector goes belly up. (Unless of course you are under the organized labor umbrella. Protection (pay-to-play) money for $5 million dollars in contribution money)

Here is my prediction. Within one year we will have a Value Added Tax (read national sales tax, but it won’t be written that way) similar to Europe. Most likely in the 5-7% range. Why would I say that? Cause my two LLL papers just ran two days chock full of articles supporting the idea and how it won’t be too awful bad. Heck even the poor would get a VAT “rebate” to offset their loss. One paper even had 3 articles on it in the Sunday edition. This will be in addition to the income tax already in place.

The scary one was the economist guy coming out and saying that we need a completely new revenue stream to pay for the massive upcoming national health care program.