
And Now, Wikileaks Shills for Russia - Update: Greenwald, Too

Kragar2/06/2014 12:13:49 pm PST

re: #84 Lidane

Soul crushing is a good way of putting it. I hate being out of work. I want a job. I send applications daily. I go to ridiculous job fairs and write customized cover letters (like the one I’m agonizing over right now) so they don’t come across as just copy and paste jobs to the hiring manager. I spend a lot of time on LinkedIn and other job boards looking for work. This stinks.

Watching these assholes in Congress play with UI benefits and make sanctimonious pronouncements about how it’s immoral to pay benefits and how the unemployed are lazy pisses me off.

I just want to find an HR department who understands the field.

“This is an entry level position”

“We require you to have at least two of the following certifications:” and then they list high level certs which take years to achieve and cost thousands of dollars.

Why would I waste my time applying for that shit?