
Debbie Wasserman Schultz Answers Rand Paul on Abortion, Paul Promptly Distorts the Hell Out of It

danarchy4/09/2015 1:07:42 pm PDT

re: #80 Amory Blaine

How is getting pregnant after being raped some kind of extreme situation? Also, how has discourse fallen so low that anti abortionists are allowed the extreme position of no exceptions for rape? I’m sorry but if a woman wants to remove the filthy DNA of the rapist, it is her decision.

To be honest I have always thought the no exceptions people made more sense to me. If you really believe abortion=murder it seems a little weird to carve out exceptions. “It’s murder but it’s ok in this instance because someone else broke the law first.”

I mean, it is a repugnant position, but at least it’s consistent.