
Enough with the Nakedness

Gus6/27/2009 7:37:01 pm PDT

Democrat and Former Texas House speaker facing DWI charge

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — A former Texas House speaker is facing a drunken driving charge after he was pulled over in downtown Austin with a blood alcohol level allegedly twice the legal limit.

Police pulled over the 72-year-old Gib Lewis after he drove straight through a turn-only lane Thursday night.

Sgt. Richard Stresing says the arresting officers’ report noted Lewis was “swaying, staggering, stumbling” with slurred speech and red, bloodshot eyes. He also allegedly had an alcoholic beverage in a plastic cup in his car.
The arrest report said Lewis failed a field sobriety test. He was arrested and taken to jail where he submitted a breath sample, which showed a blood alcohol level of .16. The legal limit is .08.

Lewis, a Democrat, was speaker of the House from 1983-1993. He is now a lobbyist.

A telephone message left at his office was not immediately returned. The Austin American-Statesman reported Friday that when reached by phone, Lewis said, “There’s nothing to say but don’t drink and drive.”