
Glacier National Park Loses Two More Glaciers

Cato the Elder4/09/2010 10:02:58 pm PDT

re: #43 Thanos

Another Hate Church in the News


The interesting part about that story for me is that the ACLU has taken up the defense of families who want to send their kids to school wearing T-shirts that say “Islam Is of the Devil”.

Thought experiment: A group of Stormfront parents send their kids to school with T-shirts reading “Jews Are a Plague on Society”. Would the ACLU defend them? Unfortunately I think it would be a tossup. Depending on how many innocuous crosses the ACLU had been able to force a county to remove from its seals that month, they might, or they might not.

Now, another thought experiment: A bunch of harmless, non-hate-filled Christians send their kids to school with T-shirts saying “Jesus Loves You”. Would the ACLU defend their right to wear such clothing? I think the answer is plain. No. Fucking. Way. In. Hell.

So, stirring up hate against Islam in schools is a right the ACLU will fight for. Maligning Judaism in the same way? We’d have to see about that. (Remember Skokie.) But saying something nice about Jesus - fuggedaboudit.

Could someone please explain the ACLU’s logic to me? I’m not drunk or stoned enough to get it.